Just Below this Introduction are all the Children’s books, Adult Coloring Books, Journals and Health-related eBooks available on Amazon. But first, check this out:

"Energy is Eternal Delight." - William Blake. Stomach cells in the body replace themselves every 5 minutes to 4 days. You get a new liver every six weeks and new skin every 27 days. Since every part of you is made of cells, you are basically quite a youngster since all of your cells are constantly being replaced by new ones! New research now reveals we can even generate new brain cells through a process called neurogenesis.

There’s a reason, upon knowing this, why you may not look and feel as renewed as you might think you would be. Are you replacing the old cells with damaged cells or undamaged cells? You actually have a choice. Here’s how it’s done:

The new science of epigenetics, pioneered by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., has discovered that our genes are activated and deactivated (turned off and on) by our thoughts and the levels of nutrition and especially the toxicity inside each of our 100 trillion cells. This determines whether we regenerate ourselves or degenerate ourselves. We are not at the mercy of our genes after all, as was previously believed.

Toxins, chemicals and pollution are acid-forming, as are the acid-forming foods in 80% of the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) Our original diet millennia ago was 80% alkaline and 20% acid. Think of what happens when a baby’s diaper is not changed soon enough and the acid released causes a diaper rash. Now imagine what the damage from all that acid still inside the body is doing to the tiny, delicate, vulnerable cells throughout your whole body. This damage is the underlying cause of inflammation and bacterial overgrowth. People think inflammation is the cause of many diseases but inflammation is only a symptom because what caused the inflammation? Toxicity and too much acid. Also, know that the unfriendly disease-causing bacteria feed on acids. No sense in feeding them so they multiply out of control in your body causing illness, colds and flu.

Symptoms are usually labeled as diseases. There is no need to treat diseases or symptoms when you don’t create them in the first place!

The first step in creating a fit body, energy and well-being is to do a thorough detox. The resulting increased metabolism increases your energy levels. Then, this new vigorous feeling makes people actually find exercise fun and stimulating as their energy levels really start to soar. Weight loss is easier when you don’t need food to make you feel better because you already feel better.

We live in a vibratory universe spiraling out into fractals. Absolutely everything vibrates and pulsates, creating its own frequency. Far Infrared is the frequency that matches the frequency of the water molecules in your body, vibrating the bonds that hold the toxins in storage. This action releases them so they can be flushed out through the skin. This bypasses the kidneys, that are often weakened due to typical daily toxic overload, thus protecting you from the usual detox side-effects like headaches, etc, Far infrared is the most powerful, yet safe, way to get rid of those nasty life-destroying toxins and restoring youthfulness. Brain fog is cleared in this way so energy, IQ and happiness go up. And, peoples new glowing skin shows that beauty really does come from the inside out.

"Studies now confirm that diet and environmental chemicals cause 95% of cancers. Furthermore, as the first generation of man exposed to such an unprecedented plethora of daily chemicals, we have learned that stored or undetoxified chemicals can mimic any disease. ‘Incurable’ chronic diseases that were thought to have no known cause often disappear once toxic chemicals are gone. Since the far infrared sauna is the safest, most efficacious and economical way of depurating stored toxins, this makes it a household necessity.”  -  Sherry Rogers, M.D., Northeast Center for Environmental Medicine – internationally known expert in environmental medicine and author of Detoxify or Die, and Tired or Toxic? She says that high tech pollution requires high tech solutions.

Toxins are stored in fat tissue as a protective mechanism because fat is an insulator. This is why being overweight is an indicator of cellular degeneration and inflammation. Weight loss is only a bonus, a side effect, of ridding ourselves of the pollution and the 85,000 toxic chemicals in the environment, food and water that never existed before. They are bogging us down with unprecedented levels of chronic disease, aging us prematurely and sapping our strength, energy and mental clarity. People are surprised when they find fat dropping away when fat cells are no longer need as acid storage units.

Trouble sweating is another indication the tissue throughout the body is congested with acid waste. Click here to take a look at what the easiest, fastest and most powerfully effective way is to eliminate that gunk and restore your vibrancy.   Click Here for Doctor Recommendation Testimonials

The weight loss book below could just as easily be titled, Secret Blocks to Great Health Revealed - Get the Bad Stuff Out and the Good Stuff InFor the sheer joy of being creative in any way you love, no matter how much you weigh, check it out if you want to reclaim your youthful vitality and get-up-and-go! And click on this for a cool tip, "How Positive Emotions Create Health." Life is more fun when you feel great!

You will want to also read the description of the ebooks and the “Look Inside This Book” feature on the Amazon page when you get there. My eBooks are available for 99 cents. free with Amazon Prime and I would so appreciate it if you would be kind enough to leave me your review on Amazon. I thank you so much! People deserve to know this life-saving information and more reviews extends the availability of books on Amazon so more people may benefit from them.

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Put the Brakes on Aging….Daily

Create Health, Wealth and Energy for Looking Good and Feeling Good. Taking your health into your own hands brings amazing results.

Live Long and Eat Yummy Food Transform Your Life

Reclaim Your Focus – HUGE Benefits

Stories become self-fulfilling prophesies When we believe we can, we can. When we think we can’t, we can’t.

Energy Follows Focus and Creates More of What We Focus On

Optimal Glowing Health and Youthful Vitality

Some People Make Things Happen, Some Watch Things Happen. Watch the Weight Drop Away. Make Things Happen!

Find the Underlying Keys. Take Charge. Here We Go



When we Get the Bad Stuff Out and the Good Stuff In, the body automatically becomes Peppy and Trimly Fit.

Since hidden obstacles often hold people back, we will discover them and turn those obstacles into opportunities so we can live the lives we deserve.  

We have ever more delightful levels of experience when we are TUNED UP.





Chew Chew

 More Energy

When we don’t chew our food properly it takes more of our energy to break the food down.  Then we have even less energy left over. 

When we take the time to chew more we get energy faster.  Who would have guessed?

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How Positive Emotions Create Health

Positive emotions like happiness, love or peace create a strong immune response in the body, increasing our vitality and strength.

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 What Exactly IS Stress?

How an Emotion Can Affect You Physically

The term “stress” refers to any reaction to a physical (as in exposure to toxic chemicals, for example), mental, social or emotional stimulus. Ever wondered how that works?

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